Linnas Design, the company that operates S-TOKYO, has teamed up with YUGYO Co., Ltd., C&H LLC, Pasona Inc., and Kanazawa City in Ishikawa Prefecture to establish a system for welcoming international remote workers, known as “digital nomads,” and fostering innovation through business matching with local companies.
(For more details about this project, please check this article.)
在留資格が新たに創設!デジタルノマドと地域企業のマッチングで金沢の文化・観光活性化を目指すパソナJOB HUB 国際的リモートワーカー「デジタルノマド」を金沢市に誘致
株式会社パソナグループのプレスリリース(2024年9月20日 13時00分)在留資格が新たに創設!デジタルノマドと地域企業のマッチングで金沢の文化・観光活性化を目指すパソナJOB HUB 国際的 リモートワーカー「デジタルノマド」を金沢市に誘致
We are excited to announce that applications for digital nomads to participate in this program will begin on September 20 via a dedicated website! This program is packed with all the charm that Kanazawa has to offer. Digital nomads, we warmly invite you to join us!
Application Guidelines
Application Period:
Friday, September 20 – Monday, October 21
Foreign digital nomads who can stay for two weeks
Program Details:
The stay program will be held from Thursday, November 21 to Wednesday, December 4, including:
Visits to local companies
Tours of Kanazawa’s tourist attractions
A day bus tour to the Noto area (including company visits and disaster site inspections)
Interaction with local stakeholders at welcome and farewell dinners
Experiences such as yoga, cooking classes, and plogging at the accommodation
How to Apply:
Pasona JOB HUB, Social Innovation Department