A place for co-creation
The space is located in the Koza Startup Arcade community where many challengers, including startups, gather.

Floor Guide
A place for community members to interact. A place to relax during breaks or to share ideas that just popped into your head. It can also be used as a small art gallery, so it's up to you how you want to use it. If you have an interesting idea, please ask the community curator for advice.
Concentration Space
ただ働くだけではなく、日本のローカルならではの文化に出会い、触れ、「越境」と「共創」の実現のために働く場。S-Tokyo 日本橋小伝馬町です。
What's KOZA?
Koza is a district with a foreign atmosphere located in the central area of Okinawa City, Okinawa Prefecture.
It flourished as the gate town of the U.S. military base Kadena, and used to be an area with many restaurants, live music clubs, bars, and other establishments catering to the American market, The area used to be lined with many restaurants, live music clubs, bars, etc. that catered to Americans.
Today, Koza still retains that atmosphere, with shops catering to Okinawans, U.S. military, and U.S. servicemen, The current Koza town also retains that atmosphere, with a multinational mix of Okinawan residents, U.S. military personnel, and people running stores catering to U.S. military personnel.
The city is strongly influenced by the U.S. and has a unique culture of rock music, dance culture, and other forms of entertainment. Koza has a unique culture as a town of entertainment. Okinawan rock music was also born in Koza.

The Koza Startup Shopping Arcade, of which X-BORDER KOZA is a member, consists of business spaces such as startup support facilities, shared offices, and satellite offices for out-of-prefecture companies, in addition to shared houses for engineers, hotels for workers, coffee shops, and social bars where unique and multidisciplinary people gather. The area consists of places for social interaction, such as coffee shops and social bars where people of different personalities and fields gather. The area, which was once a shuttered shopping district, has been revitalized by the gathering of human resources with a spirit of challenge and new ideas.

From Okinawa Naha Airport (via Okinawa Expressway)|40 min.
By ordinary road|50 min.
Highway bus (Route No. 111, 117), getting off at Okinawa-minami IC|approx. 40 min.
Express Bus